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Public Hearings – KZN – Sectional Titles Amendment Bill – Ugu and Harry Gwala
July 2, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Please be advised that the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will hold and conduct Public Hearings on the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [ B31B-2020].
The purpose of the public hearings is to provide all relevant stakeholders and interested parties an opportunity to make verbal as well as written representations on the Bill to the Agriculture and Rural Development Portfolio Committee.
The Bill seeks to amend the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act 95 of 1986) (‘the Act’), for the objective of improving and enhancing the application and implementation of the Act.
Public Hearings on the Bill will be held from the 30th of June to 16th of July 2022 throughout the province of Kwazulu-Natal (the schedule with dates and venues is attached).
Copies of the Bill are available on the website of the KZN Legislature’s (www.kznlegislature.gov.za) and the National Assembly (www.parliament.gov.za)
All interested parties are hereby invited to submit written comments on the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [ B31B-2020] to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development using one of the methods listed below.
Written submissions must be submitted by no later than 16 July 2022.
All written submissions must be addressed to:
Mrs. Nelisiwe Mpofu
KwaZulu-Natal Legislature or hand delivered to Albertina Sisulu Administration
Private Bag X 9112 244 Langalibalele Street
Pietermaritzburg, 3200
Or emailed to: mpofun@kznleg.gov.za
For enquiries, please contact Mrs Nelisiwe Mpofu Tel: (033) 355 7600
On behalf of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development