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Calling for Responsible Inclusive Planning and Healthy Cities in Africa


Year published: 2020
Categories: Other
URL Link: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cp-cloudpublish-public/p6/5f64bc3be7d2e.pdf

Author / Authors:

  • Andres, L
  • Bryson. J.
  • Denoon-Stevens, S
  • Bakare, H.
  • Du Toit, K.
  • Melgaco. L.


ANDRES, L., BRYSON, J., DENOON-STEVENS, S., BAKARE, H., Du TOIT, K., MELGACO, L., 2020, Calling for Responsible Inclusive Planning and Healthy Cities in Africa, Town Planning Review, available: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cp-cloudpublish-public/p6/5f64bc3be7d2e.pdf


Urban planning is at a turning point. The COVID-19 pandemic calls for an alternative approach which focuses on creating healthier built environments. This is especially true in Africa given rapid urbanisation combined with skill shortages in planning and underinvestment. Connecting health and planning is not new across Africa. Forty-five per cent of African countries experience at least one epidemic annually, including cholera, measles and malaria (Talisuna et al., 2020). This is partly related to the presence of dense informal and unplanned settlements, with minimal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities contributing to the rapid transmission of respiratory illnesses. It is too early to assess the health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across Africa. What is clear, however, is that COVID-19 intensifies food insecurity, contributes to manufacturing and service job losses and threatens informal urban employment. There are significant repercussions for cities and urban development (Economic Commission for Africa, 2020).


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