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Digital Participatory Platforms for Urban Regeneration: A Survey of Italian Case Studies

Author / Authors:

  • Francesca De Filippi
  • Cristina Coscia
  • Grazia Giulia Cocina


Despite the increase in the globally connected population, there is still a high percentage of European citizens who do not have basic digital skills. In the era of smart cities, the Digital Divide affects the possibility for citizens to participate in public life through the use of ICT tools. To deal with this issue, the European Union promotes strategies to develop e-government tools, such as digital participatory platforms (DPPs), in order to connect citizens with the public administration. The research proposes a survey of Italian DPPs, investigated through a questionnaire, to bring out which strategies have been adopted in relation to participation, social inclusion and digital illiteracy, transparency of data, processes, and user-friendliness of the platform. With regard to these issues, certain elements of success of the DPPs presented are highlighted.

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International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)
Volume 9, Issue 3, July - September 2020
Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)


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