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Sketch Map Tool


Year published: 2023
Categories: Book Chapter
URL Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-19594-5_7

Author / Authors:

  • Carolin Klonner
  • Jeantyl Norze



Participatory methods are a great support to engage residents into disaster risk reduction. Their experience and knowledge about previous disasters, such as floodings, can support the preparation for future events. How can their knowledge be captured in an easy and fast way so that local authorities can use the methods themselves? How can the results be made available in a digital form for the use within disaster risk reduction processes? These questions are answered by the Sketch Map Tool, which combines analogue data collection with digital data processing. A paper map with OpenStreetMap (OSM) data is used for participatory mapping with residents. These sketch maps with the markings of the participants can be uploaded to the Sketch Map Tool website where they are automatically georeferenced. Results can be downloaded and used in a geoinformation system (GIS) for further risk analyzes or to create risk perception maps based on the collected information from all participants. The Sketch Map Tool can also be used in combination with questionnaires in order to gain insights into the background of the participants and further information about the disaster. The quality of the OSM data can be analyzed beforehand to evaluate whether participants can easily orientate on the map during the mapping activity. The automation of the steps allows the use of the tool with little technical knowledge. Further, it is an open-source software so that communities with limited resources can also use it for their own projects. When using the Sketch Map Tool, the users are encouraged to follow appropriate guidelines and regulations regarding data protection. It is the duty of everyone to ensure good practice.

Participatory mapping,
Local knowledge,
Sketch map tool,
Disaster risk reduction,


  • Book Chapter