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Year published: 2023
Categories: Book Chapter
URL Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-19594-5_5

Author / Authors:

  • Megan Tarrant
  • Marcos Moreu
  • Hannah M. B. Gibbs
  • Muki Haklay
  • Jerome Lewis
  • Megan Laws
  • Artemis Skarlatidou
  • Fabien Moustard
  • Simon Hoyte



Sapelli is a group of open-source applications, aimed to be used within a wider socio-technical approach which means that the software is expected to be used within a social process that considers inclusivity, equity, and risks and benefits. The software enables people with no or limited literacy as well as limited technical literacy to collect, share and analyze spatial data. Sapelli operates within the framework of an “Extreme Citizen Science” (ECS) methodology, based on co-creation and participatory design. This approach puts communities at the center of the project design process, enabling them to identify challenges they wish to address, what data to collect and how, and what analyses are required to address the challenges they have identified. The process relies on the consent and participation of participants, who shape the form and direction that the project takes.

Citizen science,
Indigenous peoples,
Participatory design,
Data collection,


  • Book Chapter