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The Shifting Interface of Public Health and Urban Policy in South Africa.


Year published: 2021
Categories: Journal Article

Author / Authors:

  • Duminy J
  • Parnell SM


Journal of Planning History. November 2021. doi:10.1177/15385132211047542


The paper traces the evolution and periodization of shifting ideas about the critical issues shaping city planning in South Africa, looking both at the relative and variable importance ascribed to health and other factors such as labour, economic reconstruction and housing. While the evolution of the South African city cannot be read without an understanding of the role of public health, changing ideas about cities and public health necessitate careful historical unravelling before any causal relationships can be identified. Any urban reconstruction, including post-COVID-19 reform, will demand deep knowledge of how the health/planning nexus has evolved, alongside expert advice on how to maximize urban health.


  • Journal Article